Common Framework

Caelan.Frameworks.Common NuGet Package

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Common Framework

The Caelan.Frameworks.Common NuGet Package NuGet version

If you need support or you want to contact me I'm CaelanIt on Twitter


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What is it?

My Framework.Common package is an utility framework for delegating the object mapping to a specific class or simply for a password hasher class.

Builder and IMapper<TSource, TDestination>

You can use Builder class for map a source to a destination or create a new object from the source like this:

var userDto = Builder.Build(user).To<UserDTO>(); //user is a User instance

But if a IMapper<User, UserDTO> implementation is missing it will build an empty UserDTO. DefaultMapper<TSource, TDestination> is an abstract class that prepare a simple IMapper<TSource, TDestination> implementation, you have only to define a body for CustomMap(TSource source, TDestination destination) method, like this:

public class UserDTOMapper : DefaultMapper<User, UserDTO>
  public override void CustomMap(User source, UserDTO destination)
    base.Map(source, destination)
    //body here like
    //destination.Member = source.Member;
    return destination;

And you're done. Builder class searches for it in assemblies and use it without you have to do nothing more than the Builder syntax showed before. If Builder class can't find it or you have multiple mapper for same types you can specify the mapper like this:

var mapper = new UserDTOMapper();
//if the mapper has some custom property you can initialize them here
var userDto = Builder.Build(user).To<UserDTO>(mapper); //user is a User instance


IPasswordEncryptor is a simple interface with two methods:

string EncryptPassword(string password, string secret, string salt)
string DecryptPassword(string crypted, string secret, string salt)

And you can inherit from this for a custom password encryptor and reference it by the interface. I created a small PasswordEncryptor class that provides AES256 crypting by default. PasswordEncryptor is very simple, you can instantiate like this:

const string defaultPassword = "Def4ult";
const string secret = "secret";
const string salt = "saltsalt"; //lenght must be at least 8
var encryptor = new PasswordEncryptor(defaultPassword, secret, salt);
//and now you know how to encrypt
var crypted = encryptor.EncryptPassword("123456789");
//and now you know how to decrypt
var original = encryptor.DecryptPassword(crypted);


IPasswordHasher is a simple interface with one method:

string HashPassword(string password)

And you can inherit from this for a custom password encryptor and reference it by the interface. I created a small PasswordHasher class that provides SHA512 hasing with a salt. PasswordEncryptor is very simple, you can instantiate like this:

const string salt = "Salty";
const string defaultPassword = "Def4ult";
var encryptor = new PasswordHasher(salt, defaultPassword);
//and now you know how to encrypt